Dice Rolls

For those situations in which we are not sure if the character will succeed or not, or especially how well will the character succeed, we use dice rolls.

Most rolls involve the sum of two Attributes as the number of dice to roll, which the easiness determined by the level of a Facilitator or Special Power.

In this system, 10-sided dice are used, and values ranging from Zero to the apropriate Easiness are considered successes. Other values are considered a failure and, if there are no successes and there are Nines, then it is a critical failure.

Note: If there are many Nines and a single success, the result is still a success. Nines are only counted if there is no success at all.

So, the possible results are:

  • Success(es): Considering there are no penalties to the test, a single success means the action was done, but with a poor result. For example, if your character is punching someone, he will hit the body of his target, but not at a specific weak point, as long as his target does not dodge (more on dodge and resistence later).
  • Failure: In most situations a failure means the action was done, but the expected result was not achieved. It is important to note that a failure is completely different from not doing an action, as a failed punch means you missed your target, but he will see your attempt of attack. Also, if you require a single success to make your character jump from one building to another, a failure will be as bad as a critical failure, as the character will go to the ground.
  • Critical failure: A critical failure means that something bad happened when your character tried to perform an action. In some cases (especially when damage may be caused) the number of Nines must be counted to determine the result. Yet on some situations a critical failure may be only perceived by the own character or will be considered a normal failure if nothing bad can happen.

Full-Successes and Full-Critical Failures

When all dice comme as success, if the number of successes is important, the player can continue to roll a single dice, with the same easiness, with the purpose of getting more successes. While the result is still a success, such single die roll can continue to be done. This is why some low level characters sometimes can achieve great results.

On the other side, if all dice come as Nine and the Critical Failure can get worse, a single die must be rolled. Such die can never give a success, but if it is a nine it will continue to make the critical failure worse. The single die roll will continue to be done while the result is Nine.



Bonus and Penalties


Taking Risks

The rolls, having bonus and penalties or not, are considered rolls of moderate risk. In most situations it is possible for the character to opt to take more risks, be it by jumping to do a strong attack, but having the possibility to fall in the wrong angle if he miss the attack, be it by not reducing the speed in a car race when making turns, having the chance to gain some seconds in the race or to cause an accident.

If you want to make your character take more risks, an additional roll will be done, with easiness Four. A success mean the "Risk Level" is added as successes (which may turn an original critical failure into a normal failure or even a success). A failure in this test will make the "risk level" reduce successes, even turning the original roll with successes into a failure or a critical failure.

Such "risk level" is usually only one or two, but in very extreme situations the master may allow it to go up to five (such value must be decided before doing the actual roll).